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Make it Happen Show: 10 Investor Questions

Simon Herrmann

Simon Herrmann

October 29, 2020

The 10 Questions Every Investor Asks Before Investing In A Business

Tune in to The Make it Happen Show as our very own Stuart Cook, Founding Partner of TWIYO Capital and CEO of Flave, shares what's on every investor's mind when they are looking for their next opportunity. In this podcast Stuart offers valuable insights including:

  • The number one question every investors asks [2:30]
  • The importance of timing your investment [5:37]
  • How much businesses should raise [7:46]
  • How valuations should be calculated [8:33]

Whether you're looking to bring on investors for your business or you're an entrepreneur looking for the next investment opportunity, this episode is for you.

Apple Podcast:

28. Stuart Cook promotional image for The Make It Happen Show-min.png

Stuart Cook in The Make it Happen ShowThe 10 Questions Every Investor Asks Before Investing In A Business

Simon Herrmann

Director - Corporate Advisory

10 years' finance experience as ASX & small-mid cap analyst having compiled 300+ research reports, valuations and corporate appraisals of listed companies and IPOs. Simon is passionate about sustainability and heads up our capital raise division, connecting opportunities with investors.

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