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TWIYO expands advisory capabilities

Simon Herrmann

Simon Herrmann

September 21, 2020

Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to get a new business off the ground, or running a more established venture wanting to expand into new areas, you may want to consider raising capital.

Sydney based boutique corporate advisory and venture capital firm TWIYO Capital is working alongside some of the most creative and ambitious businesses in the country. Working with start-ups all the way through to medium size growth businesses, our corporate advisory programs; Governance, CFO and Capital are evolving with a clear synergy that is breeding the next generation of exciting transactions.

Most of these companies have one thing in common: they consider embarking on the journey of raising capital. We leverage our strength, experience and network to help prepare for this journey.

From creating a pitch deck, to identifying prospective investors, to ensuring seamless closing of a partner, we guide businesses on everything they need to be investable. We then support the formalities required before, during and after the raise.

“We believe that the world is your oyster and want to partner with businesses, entrepreneurs and investors making positive change to reimagine the world we live in.” - Ryan Barnes, Partner at TWIYO            

We believe in dreaming big. We find what inspires people to grow and succeed and we are in turn inspired by our clients.

We have a strong network of partners connecting fast-growing Australian businesses with investors and capital that we are always looking to broaden.

To find out how to become a partner or learn more about current investment opportunities you can register as a sophisticated investor or contact us.

Simon Herrmann

Director - Corporate Advisory

10 years' finance experience as ASX & small-mid cap analyst having compiled 300+ research reports, valuations and corporate appraisals of listed companies and IPOs. Simon is passionate about sustainability and heads up our capital raise division, connecting opportunities with investors.

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